Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Woes of a Writer

We are down to final cram time of NaNoWriMo and I realize now how much harder it is than I anticipated. I only have about 20,000 words and I should be in the high 30,000 at this point. With about a week left of writing time, my hopes of finishing are slowly decreasing, but then reality hits once more. I could honestly care less if I hit 50,000 words or not. I am very happy with how mu novel is going and if ends up being a few thousand words short of 50,000, well then so be it. Truthfully, I am just happy I got this far. Yeah, if I don't finish it'll be annoying to listen to my friends tell about how happy they are that they finished, but theres always next year too. This is my first year anyway, and as a 13 year old girl, I find this a big accomplishment.
Well I best be off, I have many more words to write.
