I really fail at this whole blogging thing don't I? However I really want to try to get better at blogging and vlogging as well on my Yotube channel. I find this to be a good way to express myself and jsut kinda rant/talk/do anything.
So here goes!
Recently I've been noticing a trend in people, including myself sometimes, that is kind of annoying. People need compliments to be happy with themselves. Sure, a compliment here and there is nice, but sometimes it's worse than just that. People put themselves down in front of others, just so they get complimented. They need the words of others to make themselves fell whole. All they do is bash themselves in the hope of getting something positive said by another person to make them feel better.
And it's so annoying.
People should be confident in who they are and not feed of the pleasuring words of others to bring joy. I'll admit, I am victim for this sometimes as well, but I am not repetitive with these actions. I recieve my compliment with a smile, but then simply move on. But some people need constand attention and other peoples' kind words to make them feel better about who they are. Okay rant is done. I just needed to get that out. I'm good now!
Well I need to go upstairs and sleep. I am very tired.
Goodnight! <3