Friday, April 1, 2011

Nerdfighter Secrets

I'm a Nerdfighter. Whether you knew that or not, I do not know, but I am. Recently I have been looking at the Tumblr page nerdfightersecrets. Some of these secrets are so touching and have even brought tears to my eyes. Some people who have posted their secrets about love, friendships, how nerdfightaria has changed their lives, youubers and much more are just amazing.

Others are not.

A handful of Nerdfighters who have posted their secrets have been just plain mean. Now don't get me wrong, I completely understand that the point of that website it to get out ones secrets and speak their mind, which I am totally fine with. What I don't understand is why people have to be so incredibly mean when they post their secrets sometimes! A lot of time, people will post their true feelings towards certain youtubers. But some people you have done this are just plain mean. When you express your opinions about someone you don't just come full out and say, "In all honesty, I think (insert name here) is probably a total asshole in real life and I really hate him/her." No. In my mind, that's just wrong. You can't say things like that about someone who you probably haven't even met before and the only interaction you've had with them is them replying to your comments on Youtube. That's just flat out mean. Did you ever think that maybe that person will see what you said? Did you ever once consider how hurtful that comment could be if that person saw it? No. You most likely didn't.

Now I'm not saying it's bad to speak your mind. In fact, it's great to speak your mind. But you don't have to do it with harsh words on anonymousness websites. Because words can hurt. It sounds corny and stuff, but it's true.  So be careful with the way you word things about people, or better yet, don't post mean things about people on websites, because you never know if they will see it or no.

Sorry for the rant-yness of this post, but I really wanted to express my opinion on this topic. If you disagree, that's fine, if not well then that's cool too.


Concerts attended this year: 1 (Mike Lombardo Trio and Driftless Pony Club)