Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh yeah that blog thing.

Oh hey there blog. What? No I most certainly did not forget about you! I just...had other things to do...Yeah okay I kinda forgot. I'M SORRY OKAY.

Blah blah blah sorry I haven't blogged blah blah blah you get the idea.

Okay. Serious time.

So I've been in school for a couple weeks now and I already have that big cloud of stress wavering over my head. And this damn little could has got me thinking. Why does school always seems to strike up the most ungodly amounts of stress as soon as the first day of school starts? And then I realized: School is taken so much more seriously as soon as you reach 9th grade, the OFFICIAL start of high school. The moment you begin high school, teachers and even students constantly have the thought of getting prepared for college on their minds. Everything starts going down on transcripts, everything counts towards the future years of school.
And this bothers me.

I wish I could have clung onto those childhood school days longer, when your main objective was being the best at coloring or being able to climb on top of the monkey-bars. Looking back, I took the days of my youth for granted it seems. Back then, I was so eager to grow up and do "big kid things." now, I don't even want to think about tomorrow.

Yes, the future is full of bright, new possibilities, however it is also filled with dark and frightening paths and outcomes. Those paths are what I'm most scared of. However, so quote the great Albus Dumbledore, "Someday we must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy." As much as I yearn to take the easy route, I know where the positive outcomes will come from.  Yes, it will be stressful and hard, but hopeful lit will be where I find happiness in the end.

(sorry this is so jumpy and such, i just wanted to get this out there.)

Until next time,

Book: Let is Snow by various authors
Now Playing: Orchideous Symphony by Ministry of Magic
Subscribers: 77

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ohhey it's September.

So BEDA kind of fell apart for me near the end due to the craziness that is my life. But like I said, I will try to keep this blog updated as much as I can.

And so with that...

Guys. Today is September 1st. Today, witches and wizards from all over experienced their first day of term at Hogwarts. And my letter still hasn't come. Granted, I am 14 now, but I have never given up hope. I mean, I understand it's a long journey for one little owl to take, but I feel like since I live so far away they could just appararte to me and give me my letter, or send a hippogriff to bring it or something. Because seriously, 3 years late is just a little too much. And even if the situation is distance, why can't they just create a school of magic here in America! They can't just make me live in the muggle world forever, right?! Of course not! Right....?

Anyway I'm really just writing this to procrastinate more instead of planning more for my English presentation that I'm giving tomorrow. After one of the presentations today, I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:05. I looked at my fellow Harry Potter friend and said, "The train leaves at exactly 11 o'clock, we've missed it!" in my best british accent. She started laughing to hard, it was so funny.

Anyway, I should really go do work now. So thanks for reading my pointless blog for today.

Until next time,

Now Playing: Super Bass by Nicki Minaj (im obsessed with this song right now, its weird. yeah.)
Book: Nothing yet, starting a new one soon!
Subscribers: 73