Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ohhey it's September.

So BEDA kind of fell apart for me near the end due to the craziness that is my life. But like I said, I will try to keep this blog updated as much as I can.

And so with that...

Guys. Today is September 1st. Today, witches and wizards from all over experienced their first day of term at Hogwarts. And my letter still hasn't come. Granted, I am 14 now, but I have never given up hope. I mean, I understand it's a long journey for one little owl to take, but I feel like since I live so far away they could just appararte to me and give me my letter, or send a hippogriff to bring it or something. Because seriously, 3 years late is just a little too much. And even if the situation is distance, why can't they just create a school of magic here in America! They can't just make me live in the muggle world forever, right?! Of course not! Right....?

Anyway I'm really just writing this to procrastinate more instead of planning more for my English presentation that I'm giving tomorrow. After one of the presentations today, I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:05. I looked at my fellow Harry Potter friend and said, "The train leaves at exactly 11 o'clock, we've missed it!" in my best british accent. She started laughing to hard, it was so funny.

Anyway, I should really go do work now. So thanks for reading my pointless blog for today.

Until next time,

Now Playing: Super Bass by Nicki Minaj (im obsessed with this song right now, its weird. yeah.)
Book: Nothing yet, starting a new one soon!
Subscribers: 73

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