Wednesday, August 10, 2011

BEDA DAY 10: Family time

I am writing this post on my iPod, I am warning you on advance for any spelling or grammar errors. Blame autocorrect.

So I just got home from my cousin's 18th birthday party and let me tell you something: my family is not normal. At all. I mean, they probably seemed WAY less normal because of the amount of alcohol that was consumed while we were there, but even without alcohol in the picture we are a pretty strange family. The night consisted of eating a shitload of fortune cookies and adding the phrase, "in bed" to the end of each fortune ( a joke the parents found to be much funnier than it actually was,) watching my very drunk uncle play with the many pez dispensers my cousins had, eating a Scooby-Do cake and listening to lots and logs of crazy stories.

Now as crazy as my family is, they are pretty awesome. I can always count on a laugh whenever we are all together. We have great stories to share, great memories together and I'm sure as hell he have a lot more to make. And let's face it, what's the fun in having a normal family anyway?

Until tomorrow,

Now playing: Friday is Forever by We The Kings
Book: I'm almost done, I promise!!
Subscribers: 72

PS: Sorr for the shortness of this post, I am so tired and really just want sleep right now, so yes, sorry guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I'm not sure why I burst out laughing at the PEZ dispenser thing. LOL. Did you know I collect them, YEAH I DO.
