Saturday, August 13, 2011

BEDA DAY 13: The power of the internet

Hello there lovely blog readers!

I want to talk to you about the internet today. Again.

So as you know, the internet is a very VERY powerful tool. Now, there is power for the greater good, and power that can bring harm, so I am going to look at the positive outlooks it has. The internet has given amazing opportunities to people, helped launch careers, and done so so much more. Needless to say, it's a powerful place. It can do much more than help a high school student procrastinate their homework or provide endless entertainment through the endless amount of kitten gifs on Tumblr.

But, since this is my blog and I'm a little selfish, I wanna talk about what the internet has given me. The first thing is simply a place to be myself. At school, it can sometimes be hard to express who I am because most people don't understand or don't accept me for the person I am. This doesn't bug me so much, I am perfectly content with the person I am even if others arent, but I can't always express myself in the ways that I want to at school or around some people.  That's why it's so great I can come home and go on Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube or here on my blog and just be myself and not worry about IRLs. 

Of course, the internet has also given me some of the best friend I could ask for. I know I talk about them frequently on here, but that's because they make me so so happy. The friendships I have created through the internet are stronger than the majority of all the friendships I have IRL and I know they will last a long long time. I mean, just think. If it weren't for the internet these pictures wouldn't exist:

Needless to say, I am so very grateful that the internet exists.

Until tomorrow,

Now Playing: Hangover by Hey Monday
Book: Meh.
Subscribers: 72

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