Saturday, August 6, 2011

BEDA DAY 6: The meaning of "friendship"

Hello lovely blog readers. Today is rant day. Brave yourselves, lads.

For as long as I can remember I have always had a fair number of people in my life I called my some of my best friends. These were the people I could turn to whenever I needed someone to vent to, and they were always there to listen. During my middle school years, I had a fair number of these people in my life. But this past 8th grade year and now this summer going into freshman year, I've taken notice to something.

Although I have quite a few people in my IRL life I call my friends, the number of people I could call whenever and explode into a rant of a million emotions at is at a total of about 3. In past years, I probably had about 7 or 8 friends I could do this to. Obviously, this number has decreased over the years (I think at least, I've never been that great at math.)  But I'm not trying to point out my lack of friends IRL, what I really want to talk about is what a REAL friend is, even if they are a friend who you are only able to see when you video chat on skype or watch on youtube.

To me, a friend is some who is always there for you and will love you and be there for you even on your worst day. Not someone who bitches to you because you havent hung out with them, or gets pissed because you actually have other friends other than them and can't make plans with them. A friend is someone who fully understands you as a person, knows and accepts your faults and loves you for exactly who you are. They don't try to force you to be different to they like you more, they don't call you fat, stupid or ugly, they don't make fun of you and point out the flaws that you already know you have, even if they think they are joking around. Some friends take both sides of these however, and on some days they will be the greatest person ever, but others they will stop at nothing to make you feel like shit. Those "friends" are the worst.

Now, sometimes, friends who are trustworthy, loyal, lovely, amazing and everything you want in a friend can be hard to find. Sometimes, you have to look a bit harder. I happen to have found mine in multiple different states. Friends are the kinds of things you have to keep close to you. Sometimes, they will stray away, slip between your fingers without you even realizing what's going on. But other times, they will stay close to your heart for a long time. Those are the friends you trust, you love and know will be there for you forever.

Until tomorrow,

Song: I Wouldn't Mind by He is We
Book: Still the same...
Subscribers: 72


  1. LANEY <3333

    You are such a wonderful person. I'm so lucky to have an amazingly supportive friend like you in my life <33

  2. <3 Why are you such a wonderful human being? Like, it's not fair to everyone else. And finding those amazing friends is one of the best feelings in the world. Having friends who I don't get to see everyday has really made me appreciate those times that I get to talk to and see them. Thanks for being one of them <3

  3. Story of my life. I had a group of 8 "friends" until last year. They would be nice to me and hang out with me, but they also talked about me behind my back and, like you said, point out flaws that you already know you have. Last year they stopped talking to me and just ignored me completely. I was without friends for a while, but now I have a couple friends who I can really trust, and love being around.

  4. Like...just...<333333333333333
    Laney,by FAR, you are the kindest,sweetest and most adorable person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am so,so lucky to be able to call you my friend <3

  5. Laney, Laney, Laney.
    I love you so much dear. You are such a genuine person and can honestly listen to me rant about anything. You are always inquiring how I am feeling, and know when I'm having an off day. And not once do you ever not care. You are so sweet and adorable, and I care for you so much. When I try to offer advice, I do it because I want you to be happy and content with life. I love you so much, dear, and I'm glad to call you one of my best friends. <3
