The title really says it all.
Between school just starting, soccer after school and marching band, I'm having a hard time finding anytime at all to blog. So sorry guys. I'm just going to try to do what I can from here on out.
So let's talk about my first day of school, which was 2 days ago but oh well.
My first day of freshman year went surprisingly well! Although I had to see the many IRL people I detest oh so very much, I did get to see my friends who I haven't seen in a while, which was fun. After I talked to people I went to my homeroom to get all my paperwork to take home and get my locker assignment. After sitting through boring old homeroom and hearing the same first day lectures and such the announced to us that there would be a new bell system used this year. Not the normal "BRRRRRIIIIIINNNGGGG!!!!" bell, but the most quiet and annoying bell ever. It sounds like the noise an airplane makes when the captain-pilot dude turns on and off the seat belt symbol. It's pretty annoying.
So after the new annoying bell introduction I headed off the my classes. 1st period was Spanish 2 and all I can say is that my teacher has WAY to high of expectations for us. I had to memorize vocab on the 1st night and already have a quiz tomorrow on that vocab. Vocab we never even LOOKED AT before yesterday. And he is kinda strange. But that's a whole other story.
Anyway, after that I went to my Math 2 class in which I found out I am one of two freshman in my class and the other girl I don't really talk to. Needless to say Math is not going to be too fun this year. Not that math is ever really fun, but that's just my opinion. I really dislike math. At least my teacher is pretty chill, so that makes things better.
After a boring math class full of standard introduction crap, I set off of the horribly long walk to the Science Wing for Honors Physical Science. Since we can no longer walk outside to get to the other side of the building, the hallways are PACKED and are nearly impossible to walk quickly through, so I have to basically run to get to class on time. It's not too bad though, since it will be a fun class with a good teacher, even if the class will be a bit of a challenge.
Once Physical Science ended I made the long walk back to the other side of the building for Honors English (which is really like intro to lit/comp or whatever but we all just call it English.) I was a little nervous about this class since I heard some bad things about the teacher, but she turned out to be really nice (for now)! We played those "get to know each other" games and just had fun. And I found out I don't have my summer reading test till Tuesday! PRAISE THE ENGLISH GODS! (I haven't finished the book yet....OOPS!) Anyway I'm looking forward to English this year, mainly because I just love the subject so much though.
After English I have an earlier lunch than the rest of my grade because I am taking Jazz Band instead of study hall opposite my lunch. So I went to Jazz Band, sat around and talked to people and then went to lunch where I ate with fellow Jazz members.
Then it was time for the one class I was looking forward to most, DMP 1, or Digital Media Production 1. The class is basically learning all kinds of different techniques to video making and just make all sorts of fun videos. It's gonna be awesome. Even better, it has one of my favorite teachers EVER and there are only like 18 kids in the class. Needless to say, I am pretty freaking stoked for this class. Plus, the room has nine Macs to use. NINE. And they are awesome. So so awesome.
Once my class of awesome ended I went to Honors U.S. History, which I knew wouldn't be too bad since nearly all of my friends are in it. And my teacher seems really nice, although she can be kind of boring and can sometimes resemble a much less weird/creepy version of Professor Trelawney, I think a good class will make up for that. Plus, I really enjoy history, I think it's fascinating. The way everything pieces together like one giant jigsaw puzzle, each piece holding its own tragedies, stories, and new beginnings. It's so amazing to me.
Then last but not least was 8th period band. Oh band. Well since we had already had a week of band camp and 3 days until our 1st performance, we got right out onto the field, our director out on his microphone and we got straight to work on pregame and halftime sets. Pregame is boring, but for halftime we are playing Let's Get It Started and I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas and Glamorous by Fergie. It's pretty fun actually. The sets aren't to difficult and during Glamorous or section has choreographed a mini dance to do on the field, which should be pretty fun. Although band is lots of hard, annoying work and getting yelled at my our director, it is fun.
Well there you have it, my first day if high school in one blog post. I hope this kinda sorta made up for me missing so many days. SORRY! I still love you though if that counts for anything.
Until next time,
Now Playing: We Are Young by 3OH!3
Book: We Are All The Same by idontknowwhoimtoolazytogolook
Subscribers: 72
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Back to School Already?
Hello blog readers!
So, this coming Wednesday is my official first day of high school. And I'm not excited. At all. I really don't like school. I don't like many people in my grade, I hate the pressure of always trying to do the best in everything even though I'm far from perfect and I don't like getting up early. Basically everything about school just plain sucks. Now do you see why I'm not excited to go back?
I went school supplies shopping today just to get the essentials before I got my actual list on the 1st day, and I couldn't help but cringe while picking out notebooks and binders. The thought of going back to school just makes me sick. And I know things are going to change a TON this year. The only plus? I get to make awesome binder collages of Harry Potter pictures and other stuff that makes me happy even on shitty days. This is how I keep myself motivated. I know. I'm a total nerd. BUT THAT IS A-OKAY WITH ME.
Sorry for wasting your time with a pointless blog, but I am NOT excited for school and needed to get my feelings out. So yes.
Until Tomorrow,
Now Playing: Pottermore by Alex Carpenter (SONG OF MY LIFE RIGHT NOW)
Book: 15 pages left!
Subscribers: 72
So, this coming Wednesday is my official first day of high school. And I'm not excited. At all. I really don't like school. I don't like many people in my grade, I hate the pressure of always trying to do the best in everything even though I'm far from perfect and I don't like getting up early. Basically everything about school just plain sucks. Now do you see why I'm not excited to go back?
I went school supplies shopping today just to get the essentials before I got my actual list on the 1st day, and I couldn't help but cringe while picking out notebooks and binders. The thought of going back to school just makes me sick. And I know things are going to change a TON this year. The only plus? I get to make awesome binder collages of Harry Potter pictures and other stuff that makes me happy even on shitty days. This is how I keep myself motivated. I know. I'm a total nerd. BUT THAT IS A-OKAY WITH ME.
Sorry for wasting your time with a pointless blog, but I am NOT excited for school and needed to get my feelings out. So yes.
Until Tomorrow,
Now Playing: Pottermore by Alex Carpenter (SONG OF MY LIFE RIGHT NOW)
Book: 15 pages left!
Subscribers: 72
Friday, August 19, 2011
I have no title ideas.
So hey. I feel like crap. Band camp and soccer make me tired and I may or may not be nearly dehydrated, which isn't fun and makes for a sad sad Delaney. So today is gonna be a lazy blog day. Meaning I'm still a friend's idea again. Yay! (List idea from Izzy, thanks gurl!)
Stuff I Ate Today- 2 mini bagels- My sister's friend's leftovers from dinner last night
- 3 pieces of pizza
- fried dough
- 2 granola bars
CD's You Should Listen To
- Everything's Fine - The Summer Set
- The Prince's Tale - Lauren Fairweather
- Let's Be Animals - The Downtown Fiction
- Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not - Arctic Monkeys
Movies You Should Watch
- 500 Days of Summer
- The Princess Bride
- Peter Pan
- Harry Potter (Yes, all of them.)
Thing's That Should Get Emailed
Until Tomorrow,
Now Playing: Skyscraper by Demi Lovato
Book: -.-
Subscribers: 72
Stuff I Ate Today- 2 mini bagels- My sister's friend's leftovers from dinner last night
- 3 pieces of pizza
- fried dough
- 2 granola bars
CD's You Should Listen To
- Everything's Fine - The Summer Set
- The Prince's Tale - Lauren Fairweather
- Let's Be Animals - The Downtown Fiction
- Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not - Arctic Monkeys
Movies You Should Watch
- 500 Days of Summer
- The Princess Bride
- Peter Pan
- Harry Potter (Yes, all of them.)
Thing's That Should Get Emailed
Until Tomorrow,
Now Playing: Skyscraper by Demi Lovato
Book: -.-
Subscribers: 72
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bloggin' it up with Izzy
Hello! I'm Izzy and I have the pleasure of being a friend of Laney's. She has asked me to fill in for her today, I don't know why because I am not a blogger my any means, but I'll just roll with it, eh?
You know those "My Purse" videos where someone pulls all of their shit out of their bags and shows everything in them? Yeah? Okay, well I'm going to do that with my wallet because I realized how much shit I have in it that isn't money.
- 4 American dollars
-1 Canadian dollar
- a mint wrapper
- a red guitar pick (I don't play guitar...)
-6 quarters
-2 nickels
-5 dimes
-1 tooney (the equivalent of 2 Canadian dollars)
-1 looney (1 Canadian dollar)
-55 pennies (guys! I'm fucking rich.)
-2 hair pins
- 1 pack of small yellow post-its
-2 pencils
-1 pen (black ink. Yeah, I checked that for you)
- 1 "My name is..." sticker from The Unlimited Enthusiasm Expo wrock show at the Grog Shop in August '08
- a piece of paper with the name of someone I met this April so I could look them up on facebook
- 1 Meathead skiing sticker (It's shaped like a slice of steak with skiing goggles and a face on it)
-3 Mike Lombardo stickers
- 6 American Pride stickers (Spacious Skies, Grace, Blue Jeans, The South, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, and Automobile)
- 4 Menchie's stickers ( Mookie, Sprinkle, Menchie, and the original face of Menchie with Cece's tumblr url on the back)
- a sticker of a fighter jet (my mom gave me it)
- a McDonald's gift card for one free small frie ( I got it at LeakyCon)
- 1 pack of rubber bands for my braces
- plastic wrap from when I opened Laney's Songs for a New Day CD
- receipt from my first Chipotle experience
- a Burger King receipt (cashier was Samantha according to this receipt)
- a receipt from Barnes & Nobles from May (for the book Who Was Harriet Tubman?)
- a receipt from Kennywood for a picture
- a receipt from Universal Citywalk for a chocolate frog and Sirius's wand
-a receipt from Treasure of Bali at the Royal Pacific hotel where I bought a Ben and Jerry Brownie Bar with Johanna
And that is all of the shit I have in my wallet. I'm sure you were all intrigued by that.
Thought: Some things are just doomed to be bad, but they turn out to be awesome. Like Dance Moms. If you haven't seen Dance Moms, it's not too late! The season is only 6 episodes in, so you should easily be able to catch up. These moms are priceless, and same goes for the dance teacher, Abby Lee. GO WATCH NOW.
Another thing that should have been bad by wasn't is this cover of Baby by Julia Nunes . Seriously, just go now. It's absolutely amazing and I haven't be able to stop listening to it on repeat. I'm not a Justin Beiber fan by no means, but this cover has made me love the song. It made the impossible possible.
And that is all for tonight. Thanks to Laney for wanting me to blog for her, and hopefully I didn't lose her any readers.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I'm so tired. Between two soccer scrimmages and band camp out in the sun all day I am SO tired.
I have nothing to say. Literally nothing. So I'm just gonna leave you with links to two really sad Harry Potter fan-made videos that make me remember why I love this story and this fandom so much. And made me cry. Really hard.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: Sometime Around Midnight by The Airborne Toxic Event
Book: dskjghdfjs.ghfd
Subscribers: 72
I have nothing to say. Literally nothing. So I'm just gonna leave you with links to two really sad Harry Potter fan-made videos that make me remember why I love this story and this fandom so much. And made me cry. Really hard.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: Sometime Around Midnight by The Airborne Toxic Event
Book: dskjghdfjs.ghfd
Subscribers: 72
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
First off,introductions! I am Laney's friend,Gwen. Laney kindly asked me to blog for her tonight so,of course,I did. I am not a blogger. I have never blogged before. Therefore,this will probably be boring as hell. Since I am uncreative and lazy, I will just blog about my day. It went something like this:
I woke up,went downstairs to watch my guilty pleasure,The Glee Project. Now,I'm not really a Glee fan, (I just watch for Darren to be completely honest,sorry.) so I could care less whether or not one of these talented,young teenagers get a chance to star on Glee. But,for some reason unknown to me, I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT.(for any of you wondering,I'm rooting for Damien.)It's addicting. The Glee Project,not love,is my drug. Then I also watched various episodes of How I Met Your Mother(LOVE IT) and Doctor Who. As you can tell,I had an eventful morning.
Next,I went on my computer and did internet-y things including tweeting, tumbling, skyping and other random things. Now,typing out the majority of my day,it seems quite boring. To me,it was entertaining. I'm sure other internet users can relate. From the outside it seems like you just sit on your computer all alone for numerous hours a day,by yourself,reblogging pictures of cats. They probably think that you will end up alone and come to attain several real life cats in your future. When actually, you are sitting on your computer communicating with friends and communities for all those hours or creating and coming up with new ideas for a video or blog. In that light,you seem like a productive person.
Wow.I just went off on a tangent there. This is why I don't blog!Sorry for this shit of a blog, shall leave it up to Laney from now on. So I shall leave you with this advice, eat chicken nuggets whenever possible.
If you're crazy and actually found this blog entertaining,you can find me here:!/nerdygwen
First off,introductions! I am Laney's friend,Gwen. Laney kindly asked me to blog for her tonight so,of course,I did. I am not a blogger. I have never blogged before. Therefore,this will probably be boring as hell. Since I am uncreative and lazy, I will just blog about my day. It went something like this:
I woke up,went downstairs to watch my guilty pleasure,The Glee Project. Now,I'm not really a Glee fan, (I just watch for Darren to be completely honest,sorry.) so I could care less whether or not one of these talented,young teenagers get a chance to star on Glee. But,for some reason unknown to me, I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT.(for any of you wondering,I'm rooting for Damien.)It's addicting. The Glee Project,not love,is my drug. Then I also watched various episodes of How I Met Your Mother(LOVE IT) and Doctor Who. As you can tell,I had an eventful morning.
Next,I went on my computer and did internet-y things including tweeting, tumbling, skyping and other random things. Now,typing out the majority of my day,it seems quite boring. To me,it was entertaining. I'm sure other internet users can relate. From the outside it seems like you just sit on your computer all alone for numerous hours a day,by yourself,reblogging pictures of cats. They probably think that you will end up alone and come to attain several real life cats in your future. When actually, you are sitting on your computer communicating with friends and communities for all those hours or creating and coming up with new ideas for a video or blog. In that light,you seem like a productive person.
Wow.I just went off on a tangent there. This is why I don't blog!Sorry for this shit of a blog, shall leave it up to Laney from now on. So I shall leave you with this advice, eat chicken nuggets whenever possible.
If you're crazy and actually found this blog entertaining,you can find me here:!/nerdygwen
Monday, August 15, 2011
BEDA 15: The blog that was on fire
Yeah. I skipped a day. BUT I HAVE GOOD REASON!
Yesterday some of my best friends ever, Gwen and Izzy came to visit and we met up with our other amazing friends Cece and Kelsey and basically spent the entire day eating tons of food, talking about so many random things, and going to a nerd-core rap show in which Mike played keyboard while we danced awkwardly and felt horribly out of place. Needless to say it was awesome!
My lovely friend CeCe has tagged me and awarded my blog the honor of being named "The Blog on Fire" which I don't believe was supposed to be a Hunger Games reference, but I'm taking it as one anyway. Now I think I'm supposed to list 5 facts about myself or something. But that's so standard, so I'm gonna change this and since I see this as a Hunger Games reference I am gonna just tell you 5 things I would do to survive the Hunger Games. So here we go!
1. Luckily, I am athletic, so I can run as a reasonably fast pace. And I'm pretty light on my feet (in comparison to my height at least) so I would have the advantage of getting away pretty quick.
2. I am very good at staying silent in certain situations. With a good enough hiding spot, I could stay hidden for quite sometime. As long as I didnt have to pee. Then I would be screwed.
3. This sounds weird, but I am pretty creative, so if I needed to come up with a plan to try to kill someone, or to get away, I feel like my creative mind may help me in the long run. Maybe.
4. I'm pretty good at using my resources given to me to make things or complete tasks, so if I was limited on supplies I could probably make-do with what I had. (or at least for some amount of time...)
5. I'm good at making new friends! So I could always like, act all sweet and nice then kill my "friend" in their sleep or something! *evil smile*
Well that was an interesting self evaluation. And no I don't know who to tag! Ah! Anyone who wants to can do this! Anyone who reads my blog gets this award! Now go do what you want! GO! NOW!
Until tomorrow (maybe, band camp makes me sleeeeppyyyyy)
(or Laney, :D)
Now Playing: Mean by Taylor Swfit
Book: dfghdf.ghfdhjg really need to finish!
Subscribers: 72
Yesterday some of my best friends ever, Gwen and Izzy came to visit and we met up with our other amazing friends Cece and Kelsey and basically spent the entire day eating tons of food, talking about so many random things, and going to a nerd-core rap show in which Mike played keyboard while we danced awkwardly and felt horribly out of place. Needless to say it was awesome!
My lovely friend CeCe has tagged me and awarded my blog the honor of being named "The Blog on Fire" which I don't believe was supposed to be a Hunger Games reference, but I'm taking it as one anyway. Now I think I'm supposed to list 5 facts about myself or something. But that's so standard, so I'm gonna change this and since I see this as a Hunger Games reference I am gonna just tell you 5 things I would do to survive the Hunger Games. So here we go!
1. Luckily, I am athletic, so I can run as a reasonably fast pace. And I'm pretty light on my feet (in comparison to my height at least) so I would have the advantage of getting away pretty quick.
2. I am very good at staying silent in certain situations. With a good enough hiding spot, I could stay hidden for quite sometime. As long as I didnt have to pee. Then I would be screwed.
3. This sounds weird, but I am pretty creative, so if I needed to come up with a plan to try to kill someone, or to get away, I feel like my creative mind may help me in the long run. Maybe.
4. I'm pretty good at using my resources given to me to make things or complete tasks, so if I was limited on supplies I could probably make-do with what I had. (or at least for some amount of time...)
5. I'm good at making new friends! So I could always like, act all sweet and nice then kill my "friend" in their sleep or something! *evil smile*
Well that was an interesting self evaluation. And no I don't know who to tag! Ah! Anyone who wants to can do this! Anyone who reads my blog gets this award! Now go do what you want! GO! NOW!
Until tomorrow (maybe, band camp makes me sleeeeppyyyyy)
(or Laney, :D)
Now Playing: Mean by Taylor Swfit
Book: dfghdf.ghfdhjg really need to finish!
Subscribers: 72
Saturday, August 13, 2011
BEDA DAY 13: The power of the internet
Hello there lovely blog readers!
I want to talk to you about the internet today. Again.
So as you know, the internet is a very VERY powerful tool. Now, there is power for the greater good, and power that can bring harm, so I am going to look at the positive outlooks it has. The internet has given amazing opportunities to people, helped launch careers, and done so so much more. Needless to say, it's a powerful place. It can do much more than help a high school student procrastinate their homework or provide endless entertainment through the endless amount of kitten gifs on Tumblr.
But, since this is my blog and I'm a little selfish, I wanna talk about what the internet has given me. The first thing is simply a place to be myself. At school, it can sometimes be hard to express who I am because most people don't understand or don't accept me for the person I am. This doesn't bug me so much, I am perfectly content with the person I am even if others arent, but I can't always express myself in the ways that I want to at school or around some people. That's why it's so great I can come home and go on Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube or here on my blog and just be myself and not worry about IRLs.
Of course, the internet has also given me some of the best friend I could ask for. I know I talk about them frequently on here, but that's because they make me so so happy. The friendships I have created through the internet are stronger than the majority of all the friendships I have IRL and I know they will last a long long time. I mean, just think. If it weren't for the internet these pictures wouldn't exist:
Needless to say, I am so very grateful that the internet exists.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: Hangover by Hey Monday
Book: Meh.
Subscribers: 72
I want to talk to you about the internet today. Again.
So as you know, the internet is a very VERY powerful tool. Now, there is power for the greater good, and power that can bring harm, so I am going to look at the positive outlooks it has. The internet has given amazing opportunities to people, helped launch careers, and done so so much more. Needless to say, it's a powerful place. It can do much more than help a high school student procrastinate their homework or provide endless entertainment through the endless amount of kitten gifs on Tumblr.
But, since this is my blog and I'm a little selfish, I wanna talk about what the internet has given me. The first thing is simply a place to be myself. At school, it can sometimes be hard to express who I am because most people don't understand or don't accept me for the person I am. This doesn't bug me so much, I am perfectly content with the person I am even if others arent, but I can't always express myself in the ways that I want to at school or around some people. That's why it's so great I can come home and go on Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube or here on my blog and just be myself and not worry about IRLs.
Of course, the internet has also given me some of the best friend I could ask for. I know I talk about them frequently on here, but that's because they make me so so happy. The friendships I have created through the internet are stronger than the majority of all the friendships I have IRL and I know they will last a long long time. I mean, just think. If it weren't for the internet these pictures wouldn't exist:
Needless to say, I am so very grateful that the internet exists.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: Hangover by Hey Monday
Book: Meh.
Subscribers: 72
Friday, August 12, 2011
BEDA DAY 12: The one where I have a social life
Hello blog readers!
So I have a half hour to write this blog post because believe it or not, I actually did something other than sit on the computer and talk to people on skype on a Friday night. Not that that's a bad thing or something, but I figured being social IRL every once in a while is probably a good thing.
So I decided to hang out with my two lovely friends Kate and Steph. I met them at the park up the street from me and once Steph was done with her tennis match, her dad picked us up and we got frozen yogurt at the lovely Menchies. As we were sitting eating our frozen yogurt a person dressed as the little Menchies mascot thing walked past us, so out inner child spazzed out and as soon as we were done eating, well this happened...

After our adventure of eating frozen yogurt we went to Steph's apartment and proceeded to play Rock Band on her Wii for about 2 and a half hours. This time featured me failing miserably multiple times on the drums, Steph kicking ass on guitar and constantly remind Kate and I how bad we were at Rock Band, as well as Kate and I rocking out on vocals for many songs in a row. If Rock Band is accurate, we will be famous one day. Mark my words.
Not long after this Kate and I went loopy and all hell basically broke loose. I won't go into details, but it involved her in a pirate hat with a cape and lots of rolling off the couch and basically dying of laughter. At around 10:00 we took a walk outside to the mini playground near Steph's apartment. This adventure included nearly killing each other on the sea-saw, trying to climb and tall metal pole, doing stripped dances on said pole, being to fat to slide down the slide that was clearly meant for a skeleton and not an actual human and much more that will not be included.
Okay I would write more but I have 4 minutes. So this is all you are getting. Basically, I had an awesome night.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage by Panic! At The Disco
Book: Yeah yeah I need to finish
Subscribers: 72
So I have a half hour to write this blog post because believe it or not, I actually did something other than sit on the computer and talk to people on skype on a Friday night. Not that that's a bad thing or something, but I figured being social IRL every once in a while is probably a good thing.
So I decided to hang out with my two lovely friends Kate and Steph. I met them at the park up the street from me and once Steph was done with her tennis match, her dad picked us up and we got frozen yogurt at the lovely Menchies. As we were sitting eating our frozen yogurt a person dressed as the little Menchies mascot thing walked past us, so out inner child spazzed out and as soon as we were done eating, well this happened...

After our adventure of eating frozen yogurt we went to Steph's apartment and proceeded to play Rock Band on her Wii for about 2 and a half hours. This time featured me failing miserably multiple times on the drums, Steph kicking ass on guitar and constantly remind Kate and I how bad we were at Rock Band, as well as Kate and I rocking out on vocals for many songs in a row. If Rock Band is accurate, we will be famous one day. Mark my words.
Not long after this Kate and I went loopy and all hell basically broke loose. I won't go into details, but it involved her in a pirate hat with a cape and lots of rolling off the couch and basically dying of laughter. At around 10:00 we took a walk outside to the mini playground near Steph's apartment. This adventure included nearly killing each other on the sea-saw, trying to climb and tall metal pole, doing stripped dances on said pole, being to fat to slide down the slide that was clearly meant for a skeleton and not an actual human and much more that will not be included.
Okay I would write more but I have 4 minutes. So this is all you are getting. Basically, I had an awesome night.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage by Panic! At The Disco
Book: Yeah yeah I need to finish
Subscribers: 72
Thursday, August 11, 2011
BEDA DAY 11: Survey anyone?
Hello blog readers!
So I am stealing my lovely friend Abby's idea to do a survey question thing for my BEDA post today because I'm bored and it sounds fun!
1. First thing you wash in the shower?
Well that's a creepy conversation starter. But my hair.
2. What color is your favorite jacket?
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Bitch I'm 14, unkissed and a-okay with that!
4.Do you plan outfits?
Summer, no. School, yes, otherwise I would be late every day.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Tired, but happy.
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red?
The writing on my diet coke can.
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
Who even uses AIM anymore? Like really. Name one person. Point proven.
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
I feel odd telling a dream so whoever "me" is since I don't really know you, but okay. I had a dream last night that a friend and I were in some hotel on all the adults were like fuggin possessed and we had sonic screwdrivers we were killing them with (even though that's not possible) and they were trying to kill us too. It was pretty crazy, but I felt like a freaking ninja. I mean we were jumping out windows, smashing shit, killing people left and right. It was awesome. But it was one of those dreams where no matter how fast you needed to run, your legs just WILL NOT carry you fast enough. Fuggin dream world almost made those crazy adults kill me...
9. Did you meet anybody new today?
I didnt spend much time online today, so no. I did not.
10. What are you craving right now?
The blood of small children. I'm always craving that.
11. Do you floss?
Nope. Never. H8TERS GONNA H8.
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
What the fuck kind of question is that?
13. When was the last time you talked on aim?
Do you listen? No one uses AIM anymore. NO ONE.
14. Are you emotional?
Very. And I am totes okay with that.
15. Would you dance to the taco song?
I have zero idea what you are talking about. But dancing is fun, so yes, probably. But not with you. You scare me. A lot.
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
When I was little I did because I couldn't fall asleep and I didnt wanna count sheep cuz I though that was dumb so I counted unicorns instead and I'm pretty sure I got to 1,000.
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I
lick it ALL OVER. I love the way it feels on my tongue. *creeper smile.*
18. Do you like your hair?
I just got it cut today, so I still need to get used to it.
19. Do you like yourself?
I have my faults, but doesnt everyone?
20. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Actually, I've met quite a few!
21. Do you like cottage cheese?
We go from celebrities to cottage cheese? What the hell? And ew, no. It sounds gross.
22. What are you listening to right now?
If You Can't Live Without Me Why Aren't You Dead Yet by Mayday Parade
23. How many countries have you visited?
I've never left the United States before. I know. I'm lame.
24. Are your parents strict?
Ehh, not really. For certain things they can be, but usually not really.
25. Would you go sky diving?
Give me a time and place and I will be there. Oh, and a parachute. That would help.
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
Probably not.
27. Would you throw potatoes at him?
No, but I would throw them at you.
28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in?
Did you say sparkly? What?! Where?!
29. Have you ever been in a castle?
Bitch, please. I've been to freakin Hogwarts.
30. Do you rent movies often?
No because my parents wont buy Netflix. Gr.
31. Who sits in behind you in your math class?
It's summer! I have 2 more weeks till I gotta worry about the poor sucka who sits behind me in math and cant see the board because I'm that huge.
32. Have you made a prank phone call?
Honestly, who hasnt? I mean really.
33. Do you own a gun?
I own many. I break them a lot though, but they are good to have around, just in case. Wait, you did mean water guns, right?
34. Can you count backwards from 74?
Yes, it would take some though but I could.
35. Who are you going to be with tonight?
Probably Abby, Alexa and whoever else logs onto Skype.
36. Brown or white eggs?
White, since I've never eaten brown
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
I really like that store, so yes. But most of it is either bracelets or Harry Potter stuff.
38. Ever been on a train?
Only once, but it made me very happy. I felt like I was going to Hogwarts. It was great.
39. Ever been in love?
Not "in love" but I've loved many things. Like my friends. And peanut butter.
40. Do you have a cell-phone?
Yes I do.
41. Are you too forgiving?
Depends on the situation. And who the person is.
42. Do you use chap stick?
43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
Do you think I'm some kind of stalker? I'm not THAT creepy.
44. Can you use chop sticks?
It depends, what is your definition of using chopsticks? If you mean stabbing whatever I can with them, then yes I most certainly can!
45. Ever have cream puffs? Indeed indeed!
46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
I have no idea what so ever as to what you are talking about.
47. What was the last question you asked?
I asked Alexa if she followed a certain blog on Tumblr.
48. What was the last CD you bought?
Lauren Fairweather's new album "The Prince's Tale"
49. Boys or girls?
Friend wise, girls. Dating wise, boys.
50. What is your bus number for school?
I live to close to school so the buses don't come by my house. So I usually walk home.
51. Is your hair curly?
Sadly, no.
52. Last time you cried?
Hmm.....I don't remember. I think it was a few days ago when I watched a really sad Harry Potter video. DON'T JUDGE.
53. Ever walked into a wall?
Maybe..... I apologized though!
54. Do looks matter?
Are you trying to tell me something? I WAS BORN THIS WAY BITCH.
55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?
Yes, I like that store very very much. *hint hint*
56. Have you ever slapped someone?
I bitch slap anyone who touches me and doesnt pay me first. Hey, you asked for it.
57. Favorite time of the year?
I really like fall. It's really pretty.
58. Favorite color?
Blue or purple, probably.
59. Are you sarcastic?
Sarcastic? Me? Noooooooo.
60. Do you have any tattoos?
Ask me when I'm over 18. Then the answer will be yes.
61. The last person you held hands with?
I honestly think it was with one of my friends at the ball at LeakyCon. I don't recall who, but probably that night.
62. Do you sleep with the TV on?
I don't have a TV in my room, so no.
63. Where was your default picture taken at? My friend's house a long time ago. I should change that soon....
64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
Dislike, yes. I dislike many many many people. Hate is a strong word. So, no I do not hate more than 3 people.
65. Do you like your life right now? Some things would be nice to change, but for the most part, yes.
66. How often do you talk on the phone?
Whenever someone calls or when someone forgets to come pick me up and I need a ride. That happens more often than you would think.
67. What is your favorite animal?
68. What was the most recent thing you bought?
I bought a blizzard and Dairy Queen. It was cookie dough.
69. Do you have good vision?
Well in one eye I do. I have a lazy eye, so that eye sucks.
70. Can you hula hoop?
Bitch I am the hula hooping queen.
71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Like I said, depending on the situation, I can usually forgive anyone. Don't you listen?
72. Do you have a job?
I babysit. Since I'm only 14 getting a job is kinda hard.
73. Can you handle the truth?
I can take a punch. Go for it.
74. What are you wearing?
Purple plaid pj shorts and a tye-dye long sleeve shirt from cross country last year.
75. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes. I felt like a freakin ninja. Kinda like in that bad ass dream
Well that was fun.
Until tomorrow,
Book: I really really need to finish soon...
Song: Dancing Shoes by Arctic Monkeys
Subscribers: 72
So I am stealing my lovely friend Abby's idea to do a survey question thing for my BEDA post today because I'm bored and it sounds fun!
1. First thing you wash in the shower?
Well that's a creepy conversation starter. But my hair.
2. What color is your favorite jacket?
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Bitch I'm 14, unkissed and a-okay with that!
4.Do you plan outfits?
Summer, no. School, yes, otherwise I would be late every day.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Tired, but happy.
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red?
The writing on my diet coke can.
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
Who even uses AIM anymore? Like really. Name one person. Point proven.
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
I feel odd telling a dream so whoever "me" is since I don't really know you, but okay. I had a dream last night that a friend and I were in some hotel on all the adults were like fuggin possessed and we had sonic screwdrivers we were killing them with (even though that's not possible) and they were trying to kill us too. It was pretty crazy, but I felt like a freaking ninja. I mean we were jumping out windows, smashing shit, killing people left and right. It was awesome. But it was one of those dreams where no matter how fast you needed to run, your legs just WILL NOT carry you fast enough. Fuggin dream world almost made those crazy adults kill me...
9. Did you meet anybody new today?
I didnt spend much time online today, so no. I did not.
10. What are you craving right now?
The blood of small children. I'm always craving that.
11. Do you floss?
Nope. Never. H8TERS GONNA H8.
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
What the fuck kind of question is that?
13. When was the last time you talked on aim?
Do you listen? No one uses AIM anymore. NO ONE.
14. Are you emotional?
Very. And I am totes okay with that.
15. Would you dance to the taco song?
I have zero idea what you are talking about. But dancing is fun, so yes, probably. But not with you. You scare me. A lot.
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
When I was little I did because I couldn't fall asleep and I didnt wanna count sheep cuz I though that was dumb so I counted unicorns instead and I'm pretty sure I got to 1,000.
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I
lick it ALL OVER. I love the way it feels on my tongue. *creeper smile.*
18. Do you like your hair?
I just got it cut today, so I still need to get used to it.
19. Do you like yourself?
I have my faults, but doesnt everyone?
20. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Actually, I've met quite a few!
21. Do you like cottage cheese?
We go from celebrities to cottage cheese? What the hell? And ew, no. It sounds gross.
22. What are you listening to right now?
If You Can't Live Without Me Why Aren't You Dead Yet by Mayday Parade
23. How many countries have you visited?
I've never left the United States before. I know. I'm lame.
24. Are your parents strict?
Ehh, not really. For certain things they can be, but usually not really.
25. Would you go sky diving?
Give me a time and place and I will be there. Oh, and a parachute. That would help.
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
Probably not.
27. Would you throw potatoes at him?
No, but I would throw them at you.
28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in?
Did you say sparkly? What?! Where?!
29. Have you ever been in a castle?
Bitch, please. I've been to freakin Hogwarts.
30. Do you rent movies often?
No because my parents wont buy Netflix. Gr.
31. Who sits in behind you in your math class?
It's summer! I have 2 more weeks till I gotta worry about the poor sucka who sits behind me in math and cant see the board because I'm that huge.
32. Have you made a prank phone call?
Honestly, who hasnt? I mean really.
33. Do you own a gun?
I own many. I break them a lot though, but they are good to have around, just in case. Wait, you did mean water guns, right?
34. Can you count backwards from 74?
Yes, it would take some though but I could.
35. Who are you going to be with tonight?
Probably Abby, Alexa and whoever else logs onto Skype.
36. Brown or white eggs?
White, since I've never eaten brown
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic?
I really like that store, so yes. But most of it is either bracelets or Harry Potter stuff.
38. Ever been on a train?
Only once, but it made me very happy. I felt like I was going to Hogwarts. It was great.
39. Ever been in love?
Not "in love" but I've loved many things. Like my friends. And peanut butter.
40. Do you have a cell-phone?
Yes I do.
41. Are you too forgiving?
Depends on the situation. And who the person is.
42. Do you use chap stick?
43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
Do you think I'm some kind of stalker? I'm not THAT creepy.
44. Can you use chop sticks?
It depends, what is your definition of using chopsticks? If you mean stabbing whatever I can with them, then yes I most certainly can!
45. Ever have cream puffs? Indeed indeed!
46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
I have no idea what so ever as to what you are talking about.
47. What was the last question you asked?
I asked Alexa if she followed a certain blog on Tumblr.
48. What was the last CD you bought?
Lauren Fairweather's new album "The Prince's Tale"
49. Boys or girls?
Friend wise, girls. Dating wise, boys.
50. What is your bus number for school?
I live to close to school so the buses don't come by my house. So I usually walk home.
51. Is your hair curly?
Sadly, no.
52. Last time you cried?
Hmm.....I don't remember. I think it was a few days ago when I watched a really sad Harry Potter video. DON'T JUDGE.
53. Ever walked into a wall?
Maybe..... I apologized though!
54. Do looks matter?
Are you trying to tell me something? I WAS BORN THIS WAY BITCH.
55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun?
Yes, I like that store very very much. *hint hint*
56. Have you ever slapped someone?
I bitch slap anyone who touches me and doesnt pay me first. Hey, you asked for it.
57. Favorite time of the year?
I really like fall. It's really pretty.
58. Favorite color?
Blue or purple, probably.
59. Are you sarcastic?
Sarcastic? Me? Noooooooo.
60. Do you have any tattoos?
Ask me when I'm over 18. Then the answer will be yes.
61. The last person you held hands with?
I honestly think it was with one of my friends at the ball at LeakyCon. I don't recall who, but probably that night.
62. Do you sleep with the TV on?
I don't have a TV in my room, so no.
63. Where was your default picture taken at? My friend's house a long time ago. I should change that soon....
64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
Dislike, yes. I dislike many many many people. Hate is a strong word. So, no I do not hate more than 3 people.
65. Do you like your life right now? Some things would be nice to change, but for the most part, yes.
66. How often do you talk on the phone?
Whenever someone calls or when someone forgets to come pick me up and I need a ride. That happens more often than you would think.
67. What is your favorite animal?
68. What was the most recent thing you bought?
I bought a blizzard and Dairy Queen. It was cookie dough.
69. Do you have good vision?
Well in one eye I do. I have a lazy eye, so that eye sucks.
70. Can you hula hoop?
Bitch I am the hula hooping queen.
71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
Like I said, depending on the situation, I can usually forgive anyone. Don't you listen?
72. Do you have a job?
I babysit. Since I'm only 14 getting a job is kinda hard.
73. Can you handle the truth?
I can take a punch. Go for it.
74. What are you wearing?
Purple plaid pj shorts and a tye-dye long sleeve shirt from cross country last year.
75. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes. I felt like a freakin ninja. Kinda like in that bad ass dream
Well that was fun.
Until tomorrow,
Book: I really really need to finish soon...
Song: Dancing Shoes by Arctic Monkeys
Subscribers: 72
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
BEDA DAY 10: Family time
I am writing this post on my iPod, I am warning you on advance for any spelling or grammar errors. Blame autocorrect.
So I just got home from my cousin's 18th birthday party and let me tell you something: my family is not normal. At all. I mean, they probably seemed WAY less normal because of the amount of alcohol that was consumed while we were there, but even without alcohol in the picture we are a pretty strange family. The night consisted of eating a shitload of fortune cookies and adding the phrase, "in bed" to the end of each fortune ( a joke the parents found to be much funnier than it actually was,) watching my very drunk uncle play with the many pez dispensers my cousins had, eating a Scooby-Do cake and listening to lots and logs of crazy stories.
Now as crazy as my family is, they are pretty awesome. I can always count on a laugh whenever we are all together. We have great stories to share, great memories together and I'm sure as hell he have a lot more to make. And let's face it, what's the fun in having a normal family anyway?
Until tomorrow,
Now playing: Friday is Forever by We The Kings
Book: I'm almost done, I promise!!
Subscribers: 72
PS: Sorr for the shortness of this post, I am so tired and really just want sleep right now, so yes, sorry guys!
So I just got home from my cousin's 18th birthday party and let me tell you something: my family is not normal. At all. I mean, they probably seemed WAY less normal because of the amount of alcohol that was consumed while we were there, but even without alcohol in the picture we are a pretty strange family. The night consisted of eating a shitload of fortune cookies and adding the phrase, "in bed" to the end of each fortune ( a joke the parents found to be much funnier than it actually was,) watching my very drunk uncle play with the many pez dispensers my cousins had, eating a Scooby-Do cake and listening to lots and logs of crazy stories.
Now as crazy as my family is, they are pretty awesome. I can always count on a laugh whenever we are all together. We have great stories to share, great memories together and I'm sure as hell he have a lot more to make. And let's face it, what's the fun in having a normal family anyway?
Until tomorrow,
Now playing: Friday is Forever by We The Kings
Book: I'm almost done, I promise!!
Subscribers: 72
PS: Sorr for the shortness of this post, I am so tired and really just want sleep right now, so yes, sorry guys!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
BEDA DAY 9: When in doubt....
I shall write about penguins.
Don't judge me.
During the period of time before I write these blog posts I usually go around bothering my friends to give me a topic until I finally come up with something on my own. Today however I slept for 2 and a half hours today and woke up and realized 3 things 1. My legs still hurt super bad. 2. I still needed to blog. and 3. I was hungry as HELL. So after another hour of sitting on the computer and doing nothing productive, I finally decided what to eat, then waited for my sister to get offline only to find Mike was doing a blogtv show, which I watched for about a half hour and well now we are here.
Like I was saying, I have this thing where I bug my friends to give me topics. To while chatting with my friend CeCe who is also doing BEDA, we were both trying to get ideas on what to write about. I told her to write about chickens, which then followed with her telling me to blog about penguins. So.....
5 random penguin facts
1. When a mother penguin loses her chick, she'll steal one from another mother. (Wow, what a bitch.)
2. Penguins can jump up to 6 feet out of the water.
3. The name "penguin" comes from the Welsh terms "pen" meaning head and "gwyn" meaning white.
4. A group of penguins is called a colony or rookery
5. The four penguins is the movie "Madagascar" are named Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private
Well. There ya have it. 5 facts about penguins. I bet your life is WAY better now.
Other than researching random facts on penguins today, I have basically done nothing besides go to soccer, take a nap, drink diet coke, talk to people on skype and practice guitar. So if you take away the nap and penguin research, it was basically a normal day in Delaney-World. I live an exciting life don't I? (Writing this out in word's makes me realize just how lame my life is. I am so cool.)
Oh, and I found this adorable picture on Tumblr. As well as this amazing blog: Seriously. If you are tall, you will understand how accurately that blog illustrates my life. I kid you not.
Well, that's all I have to say. I hope this blog entertained you. If it didn't, well you suck.
Until Tomorrow,
Now Playing: Sellout by Never Shout Never
Book: I really need to finish that book.....
Subscribers: 72
Don't judge me.
During the period of time before I write these blog posts I usually go around bothering my friends to give me a topic until I finally come up with something on my own. Today however I slept for 2 and a half hours today and woke up and realized 3 things 1. My legs still hurt super bad. 2. I still needed to blog. and 3. I was hungry as HELL. So after another hour of sitting on the computer and doing nothing productive, I finally decided what to eat, then waited for my sister to get offline only to find Mike was doing a blogtv show, which I watched for about a half hour and well now we are here.
Like I was saying, I have this thing where I bug my friends to give me topics. To while chatting with my friend CeCe who is also doing BEDA, we were both trying to get ideas on what to write about. I told her to write about chickens, which then followed with her telling me to blog about penguins. So.....
5 random penguin facts
1. When a mother penguin loses her chick, she'll steal one from another mother. (Wow, what a bitch.)
2. Penguins can jump up to 6 feet out of the water.
3. The name "penguin" comes from the Welsh terms "pen" meaning head and "gwyn" meaning white.
4. A group of penguins is called a colony or rookery
5. The four penguins is the movie "Madagascar" are named Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private
Well. There ya have it. 5 facts about penguins. I bet your life is WAY better now.
Other than researching random facts on penguins today, I have basically done nothing besides go to soccer, take a nap, drink diet coke, talk to people on skype and practice guitar. So if you take away the nap and penguin research, it was basically a normal day in Delaney-World. I live an exciting life don't I? (Writing this out in word's makes me realize just how lame my life is. I am so cool.)
Oh, and I found this adorable picture on Tumblr. As well as this amazing blog: Seriously. If you are tall, you will understand how accurately that blog illustrates my life. I kid you not.
Well, that's all I have to say. I hope this blog entertained you. If it didn't, well you suck.
Until Tomorrow,
Now Playing: Sellout by Never Shout Never
Book: I really need to finish that book.....
Subscribers: 72
Monday, August 8, 2011
BEDA DAY 8: A Place Where You Belong
I found the Nerdfighter and YouTube community a little over a year and a half ago. I'm not going to go into detail as to how that all happened (because in all honesty, it's all pretty fuzzy in my head) and I started making YouTube videos on December 17th 2010 for the Project For Awesome and since then the YouTube community has become a very big part of my life. I have created amazing friendships, gotten involved in some really fun projects, and most of all, just had FUN!
But there is something else I really want to say about the YouTube community, primarily the Nerdfighter aspect of it. Over these 4 years, John and Hank Green have brought together a group of amazing people, giving different things to each person through the communities they have created. But one thing is shared between (nearly) everyone: A place where they belong. People from all over the world have been united simply by getting excited and overly enthusiastic about things they care so dearly about. In short, people have been united just by being NERDS! It's so wonderful to see so many people come together and just have a place to be themselves. This community is blinded by age, gender, race, sexual preference, everything! It doesn't matter who you are, everyone is accepted in this community and I think that is one of the main reasons so many people are drawn to it. John and Hank have created a place of security, love, nerdiness and so much more and I think it's become much bigger than anyone could have ever imagined when it started years ago.
This community has changed the lives of so many people. It has saved lives, created unbreakable friendships, lead people to fall in love with each other, helped people through rough times and most of all, taught people that who you are is who you are, and there is NOTHING wrong with that.
Until Tomorrow,
Now Playing: Sarah Smiles by Panic! at the Disco
Book: Same one :)
Subscribers: 72
Sunday, August 7, 2011
BEDA DAY 7: Happy Thoughts and Pixie Dust (Peter Pan anyone?)
Hello blog readers!
So I have bloggers-block (see what I did there?) today and I honestly have no freaking idea what to write about. Like zero ideas. So I'm just gonna make a list of things that make me happy and you should find to be happy-making to. So yes. Here we go.
1. Getting to talk for hours on end to someone you havent seen in ages
2. Having your Ipod on shuffle and the next song that comes on is the one you wanted to hear
3. Watching TV shows from when you were little
4. Getting caught in the rain and getting soaked down to the bone
5. Taking ridiculous photos with your best friends
6. Scented candles
7. Chipotle. Nuff said.
8. Life Time Movies
9. Oreos
10. Nutella
11. Chicken Nuggets
12. Feeling like a detective and getting early access to Pottermore
13. Harry Potter movie marathons
14. Getting to nerd out about the most ridiculous things
15. Baking cookies.
16. Compliments from people you barely know
17. Talking a walk in the woods
18. Crazy dance parties with your best friend
19. Seeing Hogwarts for the 1st time and knowing you are home.
20. New books
21. that "new-book-smell"
22. Writing
23. Getting awful calluses from playing guitar for too long
24. Being part of a community of amazing people
25. Awesome blogtv chatrooms <3 :)
This list was partially complied from my head, partically from tumblr and mainly from people in the blogtv chatroom I am in right now. Okay that's it.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: A Daydream Away by All Time Low
Book: Still the same...
Subscribers: 72
So I have bloggers-block (see what I did there?) today and I honestly have no freaking idea what to write about. Like zero ideas. So I'm just gonna make a list of things that make me happy and you should find to be happy-making to. So yes. Here we go.
1. Getting to talk for hours on end to someone you havent seen in ages
2. Having your Ipod on shuffle and the next song that comes on is the one you wanted to hear
3. Watching TV shows from when you were little
4. Getting caught in the rain and getting soaked down to the bone
5. Taking ridiculous photos with your best friends
6. Scented candles
7. Chipotle. Nuff said.
8. Life Time Movies
9. Oreos
10. Nutella
11. Chicken Nuggets
12. Feeling like a detective and getting early access to Pottermore
13. Harry Potter movie marathons
14. Getting to nerd out about the most ridiculous things
15. Baking cookies.
16. Compliments from people you barely know
17. Talking a walk in the woods
18. Crazy dance parties with your best friend
19. Seeing Hogwarts for the 1st time and knowing you are home.
20. New books
21. that "new-book-smell"
22. Writing
23. Getting awful calluses from playing guitar for too long
24. Being part of a community of amazing people
25. Awesome blogtv chatrooms <3 :)
This list was partially complied from my head, partically from tumblr and mainly from people in the blogtv chatroom I am in right now. Okay that's it.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: A Daydream Away by All Time Low
Book: Still the same...
Subscribers: 72
Saturday, August 6, 2011
BEDA DAY 6: The meaning of "friendship"
Hello lovely blog readers. Today is rant day. Brave yourselves, lads.
For as long as I can remember I have always had a fair number of people in my life I called my some of my best friends. These were the people I could turn to whenever I needed someone to vent to, and they were always there to listen. During my middle school years, I had a fair number of these people in my life. But this past 8th grade year and now this summer going into freshman year, I've taken notice to something.
Although I have quite a few people in my IRL life I call my friends, the number of people I could call whenever and explode into a rant of a million emotions at is at a total of about 3. In past years, I probably had about 7 or 8 friends I could do this to. Obviously, this number has decreased over the years (I think at least, I've never been that great at math.) But I'm not trying to point out my lack of friends IRL, what I really want to talk about is what a REAL friend is, even if they are a friend who you are only able to see when you video chat on skype or watch on youtube.
To me, a friend is some who is always there for you and will love you and be there for you even on your worst day. Not someone who bitches to you because you havent hung out with them, or gets pissed because you actually have other friends other than them and can't make plans with them. A friend is someone who fully understands you as a person, knows and accepts your faults and loves you for exactly who you are. They don't try to force you to be different to they like you more, they don't call you fat, stupid or ugly, they don't make fun of you and point out the flaws that you already know you have, even if they think they are joking around. Some friends take both sides of these however, and on some days they will be the greatest person ever, but others they will stop at nothing to make you feel like shit. Those "friends" are the worst.
Now, sometimes, friends who are trustworthy, loyal, lovely, amazing and everything you want in a friend can be hard to find. Sometimes, you have to look a bit harder. I happen to have found mine in multiple different states. Friends are the kinds of things you have to keep close to you. Sometimes, they will stray away, slip between your fingers without you even realizing what's going on. But other times, they will stay close to your heart for a long time. Those are the friends you trust, you love and know will be there for you forever.
Until tomorrow,
Song: I Wouldn't Mind by He is We
Book: Still the same...
Subscribers: 72
For as long as I can remember I have always had a fair number of people in my life I called my some of my best friends. These were the people I could turn to whenever I needed someone to vent to, and they were always there to listen. During my middle school years, I had a fair number of these people in my life. But this past 8th grade year and now this summer going into freshman year, I've taken notice to something.
Although I have quite a few people in my IRL life I call my friends, the number of people I could call whenever and explode into a rant of a million emotions at is at a total of about 3. In past years, I probably had about 7 or 8 friends I could do this to. Obviously, this number has decreased over the years (I think at least, I've never been that great at math.) But I'm not trying to point out my lack of friends IRL, what I really want to talk about is what a REAL friend is, even if they are a friend who you are only able to see when you video chat on skype or watch on youtube.
To me, a friend is some who is always there for you and will love you and be there for you even on your worst day. Not someone who bitches to you because you havent hung out with them, or gets pissed because you actually have other friends other than them and can't make plans with them. A friend is someone who fully understands you as a person, knows and accepts your faults and loves you for exactly who you are. They don't try to force you to be different to they like you more, they don't call you fat, stupid or ugly, they don't make fun of you and point out the flaws that you already know you have, even if they think they are joking around. Some friends take both sides of these however, and on some days they will be the greatest person ever, but others they will stop at nothing to make you feel like shit. Those "friends" are the worst.
Now, sometimes, friends who are trustworthy, loyal, lovely, amazing and everything you want in a friend can be hard to find. Sometimes, you have to look a bit harder. I happen to have found mine in multiple different states. Friends are the kinds of things you have to keep close to you. Sometimes, they will stray away, slip between your fingers without you even realizing what's going on. But other times, they will stay close to your heart for a long time. Those are the friends you trust, you love and know will be there for you forever.
Until tomorrow,
Song: I Wouldn't Mind by He is We
Book: Still the same...
Subscribers: 72
Friday, August 5, 2011
BEDA DAY 5: Music
Did you guys know I write music? Yup. But if you didn't know, don't feel excluded. VERY few people know this fact about me, since I don't exactly share said music with people. Buy yes, I have been writing music on the guitar and ukulele for a couple months now and while it is a fun hobby, I really do hope to take this hobby a step further someday.
Now, I know on order to build a serious career off of writing music I actually have to share my music with people, so don't bother with snooty remarks on that. I know. I just need to build more confidence and work out some better songs before that happens. Until then, I will probably post some covers on youtube until then, but enough on that.
I really want to talk about a dream I have, a dream I've had for a while really. Yes, this will sound cliche, but I don't care. Like I said before, I really want to build a career off the music that I write. It would be the best thing in the world if I could make people smile and be happy because of the music that I wrote. I know I have a long long way to go before there is a chance of this happening, but I won't give up hope. The internet, specifically Youtube is a powerful place, just think of all the people who have because famous because the posted their music on Youtube. Those people give me hope. They are living, breathing proof that you can do anything you put your mind to. With the right amount of persistence and dedication, you can do anything. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. And that's exactly what will keep me going.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: Let's Be Animals by The Downtown Fiction
Book: Same as yesterday!
Subscribers: 72!
Now, I know on order to build a serious career off of writing music I actually have to share my music with people, so don't bother with snooty remarks on that. I know. I just need to build more confidence and work out some better songs before that happens. Until then, I will probably post some covers on youtube until then, but enough on that.
I really want to talk about a dream I have, a dream I've had for a while really. Yes, this will sound cliche, but I don't care. Like I said before, I really want to build a career off the music that I write. It would be the best thing in the world if I could make people smile and be happy because of the music that I wrote. I know I have a long long way to go before there is a chance of this happening, but I won't give up hope. The internet, specifically Youtube is a powerful place, just think of all the people who have because famous because the posted their music on Youtube. Those people give me hope. They are living, breathing proof that you can do anything you put your mind to. With the right amount of persistence and dedication, you can do anything. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. And that's exactly what will keep me going.
Until tomorrow,
Now Playing: Let's Be Animals by The Downtown Fiction
Book: Same as yesterday!
Subscribers: 72!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
BEDA DAY 4: In which I actually talk about LeakyCon even though it was last month.
So well deciding what to write my blog about I decided to ask my lovely friend Gwen for a topic idea. Her first response? Cats. After asking her again she told me to write about the amazing experience that was LeakyCon because I failed miserably and never blogged about it. Now while this blog will probably just be me reiterating what I said in my vlog today ( I decided to write about it anyway because I had no better ideas. And on that note, WE BEGIN!
LeakyCon was amazing. More amazing than I could ever put into words, so instead I am going to use the same adjectives over and over and hope to get my point across. Each new day brought new experiences, each one more crazy and exciting than the next. Being someone who has never attended any kind of conference before, I had no idea what to expect from it. However I knew it was going to be 5 days I would never forget.
Day 1 started out with lots and lots and LOTS of waiting in line. We arrived at the Royal Pacific Hotel around noon and I was immediately overwhelmed from the intense amounts of nerdy-awesome radiating from everyone. Nearly everyone had some kind of Harry Potter or Nerdfighter attire on and my friend and I couldnt help but smile as we walked to registration. There were lots of complications with nearly everyone's registration, so we had to wait in a endless line of endless-ness to get to Conflict Resolution. However we were able to make it to one Lit Day even called "I Was a Teenage Author" which was hilarious. It involved authors such as John Green, Libba Bray, Stephanie Perkins, David Levithan, Scott Westerfeld and Robin Wasserman reading works that they wrote when they were younger and needless to say, it had nearly everyone crying of laughter by the end.
Later that evening all 3,400 attendees gathered in the main ballroom to kick things off with the opening ceremony. The ceremony featured tear jerking fan videos, live performances from Starkid, Potter Puppet Pals, Hank Green and Harry and the Potters, as well as a video featuring some fans (including myself!) saying thank you to JK Rowling. Needless to say, I was crying at the end. And of course, to bring more tears, after the ceremony we set off for Hogwarts to our after hours even called Open at the Close. As the entrance to Hogsmeade came into view and my eyes set on the bright red steam engine, my friend and I instantly were overwhelmed with emotions and began to cry once again. If you've been to the Wizarding World before, you will know exactly how we felt. After crying even more while walking through the all too familiar halls of Hogwarts, sipping Butterbeer in the Hogs Head Pub, going to Ollivander's to purchase a wand and having an all around wonderful time with all my friends, we turned into out hotel room for some sleep, knowing more fun would be waiting for us in the morning.
The next 4 days are all jumbled together in my mind, so I can't tell you exactly what happened on each day, so I will point out some highlights. I got to witness some of the most epic Wrock concerts that ever occurred in the history of wrock shows. They involved Evanna Lynch dancing crazily on stage as well as playing bass for a Harry and the Potters song, The last Remus Lupins set, lots and lots of pink and green party favors from the Parselmouths as well as some amazing dancing from the crowd. I also got to attend my first ever Nerdfighter Gathering, and although John was too sick to be there, we sure had a blast while Hank took questions, played music and while Maureen Johnson used her Twitter Powers to basically make anyone who had internet in the room do anything she said. And I mean ANYTHING. Examples you say? Maureen made us spontaneously start jumping up and down, ask ridiculous questions, make annoying noises and pretend to be asleep. Needless to say, Maureen Johnson has some serious power.
Along with all this, I also got to meet some really amazing people. I have built some amazingly close friendships on the internet over the past few months, and I was fortunate enough to get to meet some of these people at the conference. I got to meet 5 out of the 6 other girls who are part of my collab channel (Brooke was there in spirit however!) And it was so lovely to be able to be with them and totally geek out about everything. As well as seeing many many many other internet friends, I also got to not really meet, more just see and fangirl some of the actors from the Harry Potter films. Evanna Lynch, Scarlett Byrne and the Potter Kids from Deathly Hallows pt. 2 all attended the conference and seeing them live and in the flesh was a dream come true. During the Esther Early Rocking Charity Ball, there were many songs where all the actors, as well as other famous people in the fandom, got up an stage and danced together. It was amazing, that's all I can say about that. So so so amazing.
Getting to attend LeakyCon was an experience I will truly never forget and although goodbyes were rough and had us all close to tears, we still have the memories to look back and smile at. LeakyCon made me realize that I was a part of something bigger than I could have ever imagined before. It was amazing to see so many people from all over the world come together because of the passion they shared for the stories Jo gave us. With the people there and the experiences I got to have, I truly felt at home while at LeakyCon. I was able to spend 5 days talking nonstop about something that has made my life and personality the way it is today. So thank you to everyone at LeakyCon who made it so magical, and for reminding me that although this is all ending, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome us home.
Until tomorrow,
Book: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
Song: This is It by Lauren Fairweather
Subscribers: 71
LeakyCon was amazing. More amazing than I could ever put into words, so instead I am going to use the same adjectives over and over and hope to get my point across. Each new day brought new experiences, each one more crazy and exciting than the next. Being someone who has never attended any kind of conference before, I had no idea what to expect from it. However I knew it was going to be 5 days I would never forget.
Day 1 started out with lots and lots and LOTS of waiting in line. We arrived at the Royal Pacific Hotel around noon and I was immediately overwhelmed from the intense amounts of nerdy-awesome radiating from everyone. Nearly everyone had some kind of Harry Potter or Nerdfighter attire on and my friend and I couldnt help but smile as we walked to registration. There were lots of complications with nearly everyone's registration, so we had to wait in a endless line of endless-ness to get to Conflict Resolution. However we were able to make it to one Lit Day even called "I Was a Teenage Author" which was hilarious. It involved authors such as John Green, Libba Bray, Stephanie Perkins, David Levithan, Scott Westerfeld and Robin Wasserman reading works that they wrote when they were younger and needless to say, it had nearly everyone crying of laughter by the end.
Later that evening all 3,400 attendees gathered in the main ballroom to kick things off with the opening ceremony. The ceremony featured tear jerking fan videos, live performances from Starkid, Potter Puppet Pals, Hank Green and Harry and the Potters, as well as a video featuring some fans (including myself!) saying thank you to JK Rowling. Needless to say, I was crying at the end. And of course, to bring more tears, after the ceremony we set off for Hogwarts to our after hours even called Open at the Close. As the entrance to Hogsmeade came into view and my eyes set on the bright red steam engine, my friend and I instantly were overwhelmed with emotions and began to cry once again. If you've been to the Wizarding World before, you will know exactly how we felt. After crying even more while walking through the all too familiar halls of Hogwarts, sipping Butterbeer in the Hogs Head Pub, going to Ollivander's to purchase a wand and having an all around wonderful time with all my friends, we turned into out hotel room for some sleep, knowing more fun would be waiting for us in the morning.
The next 4 days are all jumbled together in my mind, so I can't tell you exactly what happened on each day, so I will point out some highlights. I got to witness some of the most epic Wrock concerts that ever occurred in the history of wrock shows. They involved Evanna Lynch dancing crazily on stage as well as playing bass for a Harry and the Potters song, The last Remus Lupins set, lots and lots of pink and green party favors from the Parselmouths as well as some amazing dancing from the crowd. I also got to attend my first ever Nerdfighter Gathering, and although John was too sick to be there, we sure had a blast while Hank took questions, played music and while Maureen Johnson used her Twitter Powers to basically make anyone who had internet in the room do anything she said. And I mean ANYTHING. Examples you say? Maureen made us spontaneously start jumping up and down, ask ridiculous questions, make annoying noises and pretend to be asleep. Needless to say, Maureen Johnson has some serious power.
Along with all this, I also got to meet some really amazing people. I have built some amazingly close friendships on the internet over the past few months, and I was fortunate enough to get to meet some of these people at the conference. I got to meet 5 out of the 6 other girls who are part of my collab channel (Brooke was there in spirit however!) And it was so lovely to be able to be with them and totally geek out about everything. As well as seeing many many many other internet friends, I also got to not really meet, more just see and fangirl some of the actors from the Harry Potter films. Evanna Lynch, Scarlett Byrne and the Potter Kids from Deathly Hallows pt. 2 all attended the conference and seeing them live and in the flesh was a dream come true. During the Esther Early Rocking Charity Ball, there were many songs where all the actors, as well as other famous people in the fandom, got up an stage and danced together. It was amazing, that's all I can say about that. So so so amazing.
Getting to attend LeakyCon was an experience I will truly never forget and although goodbyes were rough and had us all close to tears, we still have the memories to look back and smile at. LeakyCon made me realize that I was a part of something bigger than I could have ever imagined before. It was amazing to see so many people from all over the world come together because of the passion they shared for the stories Jo gave us. With the people there and the experiences I got to have, I truly felt at home while at LeakyCon. I was able to spend 5 days talking nonstop about something that has made my life and personality the way it is today. So thank you to everyone at LeakyCon who made it so magical, and for reminding me that although this is all ending, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome us home.
Until tomorrow,
Book: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
Song: This is It by Lauren Fairweather
Subscribers: 71
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
BEDA DAY 3: Esther Day 2011
Today is August 3rd. Today is a day dedicated to sharing love. Today my friends, is Esther Day.
Now, although I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Esther Earl, her story touched my heart dearly. Esther was strong, dedicated to whatever she did and all around a lovely girl. Esther was a Nerdfighter, who worked harder than anyone to decrease levels of worldsuck. Although her cancer restricted her slightly, she used the internet to talk to fellow Nerdfighters and find new ways to spread her awesome around the community online. Needless to say, Esther was made of awesome. Well, that's what I know from what I've heard in the the countless stories at least.
Today is Esther's birthday, and although she is no longer with us, we are still working hard to give her what she wanted most: A world full of love. Everyone today is encouraged to tell their mom, dad, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, friend or anyone else who has a close place in your heart that you love them. Although love is an expression we except to see everyday around us, sometimes busy schedules and other things get in the way of being able to say three simple words, "I love you."
So today is a day full of love, love that will hopefully continue to be shared on other days as well; love that will last a lifetime. And with that I say, I love you. If you care enough to read this right now, you are a wonderful person. Now go spread the love on.
A Happy Esther Day to all <3
Now Playing: Figure It Out by VersaEmerge
Book: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
Subscribers: 71
So today is a day full of love, love that will hopefully continue to be shared on other days as well; love that will last a lifetime. And with that I say, I love you. If you care enough to read this right now, you are a wonderful person. Now go spread the love on.
A Happy Esther Day to all <3
Now Playing: Figure It Out by VersaEmerge
Book: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
Subscribers: 71
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
BEDA DAY 2: I am athletic?
Yes! I am actually writing another day of BEDA! (Thanks to Abby for reminding me, haha.)
So I bet you would never think the nerd girl who sits around on her computer all day on twitter, youtube, tumblr, facebook and looking up who know what about Harry Potter would be athletic did ya? Well I am bitches! Don't doubt me!
Today was the official 1st day of high school soccer tryouts and I'll have to admit, since I'll only be a freshman, I was a little intimidated. Being surrounded by people who you know have more experience than you can be a little scary, however I managed to get inside my head and stay focused on what I was doing, and not what the upperclassman were doing.
Truth be told, I am not the most fantastical soccer player in the world. I do it for fun and that's it. I will however work my ass off to succeed. And that is exactly what I plan to do these next two weeks at soccer tryouts. Like I said, I may not be the best player ever, but since it's my freshman year I'd really love to make a good 1st impression on the coaches. And although today's 2.7 mile run wasnt as successful for me as I hoped it would be, I am hoping tomorrow will be a better running day on my annoying calf muscles.
I realize now this was a very boring blog post. Expect more. I'm doing this for 31 days, you will get random crap on most of these days. You have been warned.
Book: None since I finished Dear Mr. Potter like an hour ago, haha.
Now Playing: Harry by Lauren Fairweather
Subscribers: 71
Monday, August 1, 2011
So I decided I was gonna do BEDA this year. I want to try really hard to right on here more, (Let's ignore my sad excuse for BEDM. This is a new month baby!) so I decided since a few people I know will be doing BEDA I will have more motivation to write more. So here he go!
WAIT! I should also mention that I am doing BEDA to make me enjoy August a bit more. You see, I am REALLY sad July is over. I miss everything about it. And now it's August which means I have 24 days till school and soccer starts tomorrow at 8:30am sharp and ends at noon. I am a little excited about soccer, but somewhat nervous for tryouts since I am only a freshman. ANYWHO! Let's move on.
I have no idea what I will be writing about this entire month. Some days, posts will be long, other days they will be shorter (similar to today's.) But I am doing this to A. Write more on my blog (DUH.) and B. Keep track of things better. Every time I write a blog post it is going to have tags at the bottom. One will be book I am currently reading, one will be song I am listening to when I finish writing and another will be my number of subscribers on youtube. ( YEAH I JUST SELF-PROMOTED!) I figure this will be something else to make sure I am writing everyday as well!
Alright well goodnight lovely people who read my blog! <3
Book I am reading: Dear Mr. Potter by Lily Zalon
Now Playing: Music Be The Music by The Summer Set
Subscribers: 71
WAIT! I should also mention that I am doing BEDA to make me enjoy August a bit more. You see, I am REALLY sad July is over. I miss everything about it. And now it's August which means I have 24 days till school and soccer starts tomorrow at 8:30am sharp and ends at noon. I am a little excited about soccer, but somewhat nervous for tryouts since I am only a freshman. ANYWHO! Let's move on.
I have no idea what I will be writing about this entire month. Some days, posts will be long, other days they will be shorter (similar to today's.) But I am doing this to A. Write more on my blog (DUH.) and B. Keep track of things better. Every time I write a blog post it is going to have tags at the bottom. One will be book I am currently reading, one will be song I am listening to when I finish writing and another will be my number of subscribers on youtube. ( YEAH I JUST SELF-PROMOTED!) I figure this will be something else to make sure I am writing everyday as well!
Alright well goodnight lovely people who read my blog! <3
Book I am reading: Dear Mr. Potter by Lily Zalon
Now Playing: Music Be The Music by The Summer Set
Subscribers: 71
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