Monday, August 1, 2011


So I decided I was gonna do BEDA this year. I want to try really hard to right on here more, (Let's ignore my sad excuse for BEDM. This is a new month baby!) so I decided since a few people I know will be doing BEDA I will have more motivation to write more. So here he go!

WAIT! I should also mention that I am doing BEDA to make me enjoy August a bit more. You see, I am REALLY sad July is over. I miss everything about it. And now it's August which means I have 24 days till school and soccer starts tomorrow at 8:30am sharp and ends at noon. I am a little excited about soccer, but somewhat nervous for tryouts since I am only a freshman. ANYWHO! Let's move on.

I have no idea what I will be writing about this entire month. Some days, posts will be long, other days they will be shorter (similar to today's.) But I am doing this to A. Write more on my blog (DUH.) and B. Keep track of things better. Every time I write a blog post it is going to have tags at the bottom. One will be book I am currently reading, one will be song I am listening to when I finish writing and another will be my number of subscribers on youtube. ( YEAH I JUST SELF-PROMOTED!) I figure this will be something else to make sure I am writing everyday as well!

Alright well goodnight lovely people who read my blog! <3


Book I am reading: Dear Mr. Potter by Lily Zalon
Now Playing: Music Be The Music by The Summer Set
Subscribers: 71

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